Bed Bugs Pest Control

Are you getting bitten in your sleep? Then you may have a bed bug infestation – they like to feed on humans at night.
Bed bugs are a common pest because they are great hitchhikers and can find their way into your home or business in plastic bags, furniture, luggage, clothes – you name it.
So it’s not your fault if you have a bug infestation.
These bugs bite so you may notice you have them when you start seeing small groups of bites that look similar to a nettle sting or a rash
Bed Bugs Treatment Plan
• When our Pest-Techs pest control expert has inspected your home they will then be able to recommend the best course of action.
• They will recommend a treatment plan that is right for you based on the severity of the infestation and that has the least disruption to your life.
• This can be insecticides, a heat treatment but using both is best for bed bug removal.
• We usually recommend both to be sure you kill off all adults and soon to be adults (nymphs) so they don’t breed and carry on the problem.
• They will remove all the visible bed bugs they find and treat the areas around them to kill off any that are hiding and their eggs.
• We work quickly and use the best tools for the job to cause as little disruption to your life as possible.